Wreath Care
When you first receive your wreath take it out of the bag and hold both sides with wreath facing down and shake. The excess needles that were loose during the hand-crafting of your wreath will come free and this will fluff your wreath back up after being shipped.
In temperatures below 40 degrees our wreaths will last for many weeks or months. Temperatures above 45 degrees or placement in the sun will cause the fresh greens to dry out faster depending on the temperature. Indoors, the fresh greens will begin to dry in an average of 1-2 weeks, but will remain green and will retain their needles (a great benefit of noble fir) as long as they are kept out of the sun. Also, spritzing the back of the wreath with water every two to three days will extend the life of your wreath. Noble fir will drink the water and you will find your wreath to be more fragrant and to last longer.

Water your succulent wreath only when it feels dry, every 3 to 6 weeks, depending on how much sun and heat it gets. To water, soak the wreath in a container of water for at least an hour, until the moss is saturated. Let the moss dry out completely between waterings.